Artist-in-Residence: Just in Time




Jan. 24, 2025


Call for Artists Description:

Our 2025 Tilt Artist in Residence program is now open for applications. Are you wildly courageous and curiosity-driven? Do you ask provocative questions? We invite you to explore new territories with us through this year’s theme: Just in Time: Fastness, Slowness, and Every Beat Within.

Just in Time: Fastness, Slowness, and Every Beat Within To a bee – whose wings beat hundreds of times per second – and whose lifespan may be months, what humans recognize as a moment in time may feel more like ages. But to an old-growth tree, the human lifespan is merely a blip in time.

Time is relative, and yet it escapes us anyway; races past us, leaves us in its dust. What is time? And what does it mean to be present within it, in a world that asks us to be constantly becoming? How can we connect with one another through our understandings of time, and how do we move forward with intention, curiosity, and care, during a time of rapid change? How can we, with our limited time, help address both immediate needs and those of future generations?

Your submission may respond to the prompts below, or feel free to introduce your own new ideas based on the theme:

What is the value of slowness in a world that prioritizes constant motion and productivity?

How do different understandings of time shape identity and relationships?

How do we honor both the fleeting and the eternal in our work and lives?

How does time move differently in moments of joy, grief, creativity, or crisis?

How do we reconcile urgency – the need to act now – with the patience required for meaningful, long-term change?

About the residency
The Tilt Artist in Residence program at hcma is experimental and exploratory. It invites artists into our offices and explores what happens when different forms of creativity come together.

We welcome creatives, makers, thinkers, tinkerers, performers, innovators—anyone with an engaging idea from all disciplines and at any stage in their practice. We’re looking for creators who are pushing boundaries in their work, asking challenging questions, and are comfortable sharing their passion and process with us.

hcma offices in Vancouver, Victoria, and Edmonton will host paid residencies staggered throughout the year:

March – May: Vancouver

April – June: Victoria

June – August: Vancouver #2

August – October: Edmonton

Each residency will occur within a 10-week timeframe. Your project does not necessarily need to culminate in a specific work or output after 10 weeks, however, we do require you to host a staff workshop related to your project and share a final presentation about your experience and exploration.

Throughout the residency, we invite you to respond to the theme and come into the office to collaborate with our teams. We offer in-office space for you to work on your project, and encourage opportunities for connection, learning, and cross-pollination with our interdisciplinary team.

How to Apply:

Applications are due January 24, 2025.

Please provide your contact details, and upload one PDF document with the following information:

Your name and contact information, including email address

The location you wish to apply for (Vancouver, Edmonton or Victoria). Note: Preference will be given to artists who reside in the city they are applying to

A biography and artist statement (300 words max)

A brief outline of what you envision your project will be (300 words max)

An idea for a workshop related to your project and/or practice, that you are willing to host for the hcma team

A rough estimate of your project budget/expenses and materials up to $1500 CAD

As well as examples of your previous work:

Links to your website / social media

Images or other attachments as part of your PDF submission to a maximum of four pages

A link to a video to introduce yourself, showcase examples of your work and your idea.

We are accepting applications via Submittable:


Each artist in residence will receive an artist fee of $3500 CAD and a project materials budget of $1500 CAD.

Contact Email:

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