NEWS: Joyce Rosario to Head New Works — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

NEWS: Joyce Rosario to Head New Works

New Performance Works Society (New Works) has announced the appointment of Joyce Rosario as the organization's Executive Director, effective May 17, 2010.   

“Having first encountered Joyce when she was a teen from East Van involved with the Turning Point project - an early project of New Works - I remember her tremendous energy" said the society's president Mavis Dixon in making the announcement. "Even then she was articulate about community engagement through the arts.  I've watched her put that passion into action building the dance community in Vancouver and BC.  She has established an outstanding reputation and we are honoured that Joyce has come full circle in choosing New Works as the next step in her career.” 

Ms. Rosario has been involved in arts and culture in Vancouver for over ten years. A graduate of the theatre program at UBC, Joyce subsequently worked as an arts administrator in a variety of dance organizations and for the past three years has been the Executive Director of Made in BC, Dance on Tour. As a volunteer, she has served on peer juries, advisory committees and boards, most recently joining the board of directors for CanDance - The Canadian Network of Dance Presenters. 
“This is a tremendous opportunity," says Ms. Rosario. "I am thrilled to be joining the fantastic team at New Works, not only to be a part of an organization that is deeply rooted in the community, but also to be leading the very organization that has had such a tremendous impact on my own life, both personally and professionally. I've had the great privilege over the years to have Barb Clausen as a role model, mentor and colleague. We've got some very BIG shoes to fill, but I'm totally up for the challenge!"


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