Cultural Human Resources Council Launches Year Three of Talent to Lead Program
/The following is partially excerpted from a call issued by the CHRC.
The Cultural Human Resources Council announced June 20 that its Talent to Lead (T2L) program has received support from Department of Canadian Heritage and the Metcalf Foundation for a third year. T2L will focus on selecting 20 cultural managers from Indigenous, culturally diverse and minority language communities across Canada to participate in the program.
Talent to Lead (T2L) is designed for mid-career cultural managers seeking to take their careers to the next level of leadership. It creates opportunities for learning from one another and building relationships with other leaders, while also getting expert support from executive leaders in the field.
The program will consist of a series of learning webinars that focus on management fundamentals and competencies from the point of view of a leader. Alongside the webinar learning series, participants will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with an executive level mentor and gain insight into how to put their learning into practice to advance their career.
As well as the mentorships and webinar training, this year there will be regional gatherings across the country to bring together participants from Cohorts 1, 2 and 3 for one-day learning exchanges that will include training on harassment and will form the basis for a white paper on a field perspective of "Cultural Leadership in Canada Today".
A call for applications to participate in T2L Year 3 will be announced the first week of August 2018. Deadline for applications will be September 15, 2018.
For more information, contact Annalee Adair at