Columbia Basin Trust Funds 12 Arts and Culture Venues

The Golden Civic Centre, one of the 12 funded venues. | Image: Golden Civic Centre.

The Golden Civic Centre, one of the 12 funded venues. | Image: Golden Civic Centre.

The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has announced the names of the dozen arts and culture venues is has funded through its Arts and Culture Venues Grants Program. The funds, which will help renovate, relocate or upgrade these cultural facilities, total nearly $830,000.

“Realizing the importance of arts and culture to Basin residents, we have committed to meeting community needs for venues through these grants,” said Wayne Lundeberg, CBT. “These 12 projects will contribute to keeping the region a vibrant place to live and visit.”

The venues include:

  • Cranbrook's Key City Theatre ($487,015)
  • Golden's Golden Civic Centre ($48,000)
  • Invermere's Pynelogs Art Gallery & Cultural Centre ($2,165)
  • Kaslo's Langham Cultural Centre Theatre ($22,000)
  • Nelson's Capitol Theatre ($18,000)
  • Nelson's Civic Theatre ($73,373)
  • New Denver's Hidden Garden Gallery ($15,210)
  • RDCK Area H's Vallican Whole Community Centre ($20,311)
  • RDEK Area G's Edgewater Community Hall ($5,000)
  • Revelstoke's Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre ($128,000)
  • Rossland's Bodega Hotel ($5,822)
  • Trail's VISAC Gallery ($3,960)

For more information on the CBT and the funded projects, click here. For the grant backgrounder, click here.

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