BC Alliance Featured in The Philanthropist

The Philanthropist has published an article highlighting four case studies on the importance of networks for non-profit organizations, featuring the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture.

The article, The Ties That Bind: Four Case Studies of Issue-Based Networks, profiles four non-profit networks: the International Child Protection Network of Canada (ICPNC); the Green Budget Coalition (GBC); Campaign 2000; and the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture. Each profile tells the story of how the history and achievements of these networks.

The Philanthropist spoke with our executive director, Brenda Leadlay, who detailed, among other topics, the BC Alliance’s commitments to arts advocacy: “Advocacy is really important. We want to grow both the public and private investment in the arts through campaigns we’re developing and continue to work with governments at all levels. We have to make sure that the arts don’t lose ground and become unsustainable. We play a leadership role in this by helping communities to set meetings, organize, undertake research, and engage in the political process.”

To read the article, click here.

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