New Museum at the Shipyards Receives Federal Funding
/The North Vancouver Museum and Archives has received a $2.2-million grant from the federal government’s Canada Cultural Spaces fund.
NVMA will be relocating their museum in 2017, just in time for Canada’s 150th anniversary. Located in a revitalized, multi-use waterfront development of the historic Shipyards neighbourhood, the new museum will be a place where Canadians can learn about the history of the region and explore its present.
The renovated historic WWII-era Pipe Shop building will increase the visibility and triple the exhibition space of the museum. Renovations will consist of the addition of a second floor and mezzanine area, installation of a new sprinkler system, and electrical and security system upgrades.
"History and culture will find a new and nurturing home on North Vancouver’s vibrant waterfront," say Nancy Kirkpatrick, Director, North Vancouver Museum and Archives. "Built with leading edge technology, it will set a new standard for exploring history and heritage. The new Museum will generate new economic benefit for the entire community, encouraging audiences of all ages to visit again and again.”