Volunteer Board Member
Zee Zee Theatre
Mar. 28, 2025
Organization Description:
Zee Zee Theatre is devoted to telling and celebrating stories that amplify voices from the margins, with a focus on 2SLGBTQI+ communities. We share diverse experiences as an act of resistance, while nurturing joy, curiosity, empathy, and humanity in the world.
Founded in 2008 by Cameron Mackenzie, Zee Zee Theatre has shared small stories by amplifying the voices of those on the margins for more than a decade.From our first production in 2009, Whale Riding Weather, to 2016’s huge hit, Elbow Room Cafe: The Musical, Zee Zee continues to drive conversations with diverse audiences on stages across Vancouver. We foster original artistic voices, and engage new and diverse audiences by developing performance in non-traditional spaces. We believe that theatre is for everyone, and that performance can encompass more than mainstream voices on large stages.
Organization Website:
Volunteer Opportunity Description:
We are looking for passionate individuals with a commitment to community-informed creative practice to serve on the Zee Zee Board of Directors, collaboratively guiding the organization’s vision and advancing Zee Zee’s mission.
The Zee Zee Board of Directors works collaboratively to steer the organization toward long-term sustainability, growth, and ensuring ongoing community impact and resonance. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual to make an impact on stewarding the organization towards long-term stability and increased scope of operations during a period of growth for Zee Zee.
What are the perks?
Zee Zee Board Members receive four complimentary tickets annually to Zee Zee productions for you and your guests, as well as acknowledgement in show programs and on our website.
-Attend a minimum of 4 board meetings a year and actively contribute to virtual work of the board in between meetings,
-Actively contribute to the work of at least one committee and attend committee meetings,
-If comfortable, give one pre-show introduction during run of main stage show,
-Attend readings and special events, (max 3 per year), bringing 1 new audience member,
-Attend mainstage show at least twice: opening night & 1 other performance with 1 new audience member,
-Offer advice and support via email with Artistic and Executive Director,
-General promotional support in so far as social media & email reminders to personal networks,
-Soliciting donations & sponsorship through personal networks with guidance from fundraising committee,
-Donate to Zee Zee with a financial gift that is in your top 3 annual gifts and significant within your means,
-A maximum of two, three-year terms of service,
-Annual self evaluation with President and Artistic and Executive Director prior to AGM,
-Fulfill the job descriptions of the positions they hold on the board,
-Bring forth 3 candidates over the course of your term with the goal of replacing yourself.
Key Competencies:
-Community Minded,
-Committed, -Reliable,
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
-Board experience, ideally in a performing arts or nonprofit setting.
-A passion for the arts and a deep understanding of their impact on community and culture.
-Strong knowledge of 2SLGBTQI+ community, queer inclusivity, justice, equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression.
-Knowledge in areas such as finance and/or human resources is an asset.
How to Apply:
We are committed to improving accessibility, equity, and inclusion throughout our organization, and people of all backgrounds are encouraged to consider this opportunity. We are happy to co-create accessible working environments.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to us at board@zeezeetheatre.ca
Join us in inspiring, entertaining, and empowering our community through the transformative power of theatre!
Contact Name: Bronwyn Carradine
Contact Email: bronwyn@zeezeetheatre.ca
Contact Phone: (778) 246-2435