VIVA Granville Application Deadline Extended — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

VIVA Granville Application Deadline Extended

Community and cultural groups have an extra week to submit ideas to activate downtown Granville Street as part of VIVA Vancouver’s summertime pedestrian weekends.

VIVA Vancouver, the public space program which transforms road spaces into people places each summer, is inviting applications from groups interested in presenting one-time or recurring activities as part of this summer's VIVA Granville.

Vancouver-based non-profit, community, and corporate groups are invited to propose a festival, street market, dance lesson, or other creative activities to bring the street to life, weekends from July 12 to August 24, 2014.

Extended submission deadline: Friday, February 21, 2014 

It's easier than ever to apply with an idea: submit your application online.  

Visit for guidelines and more information. 



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