SPARC: Call for Proposals - Deadline Extended

The Symposium for Performing Arts in Rural Communities (SPARC) will bring together rural creators, producers, presenters and animateurs to initiate a dialogue about how to develop and sustain the performing arts in rural communities. SPARC will ignite dynamic exchange among participants through interactive workshops, seminars, panels and research or community soundbytes and presentations that showcase local venues and celebrate the synergy of community that creates culture and culture that creates community.

The first of its kind in Canada, the symposium will focus on the business of performing arts in a rural setting, and feature three streams of exploration – creation, production and presentation – across four disciplines of the performing arts – Dance, Theatre, Music and Media Arts.

The symposium will take place in the Haliburton Highlands, ON on April 24-27, 2014. 

The goal of the symposium is to recognize the unique opportunities and challenges faced by those who create, produce or present the performing arts in rural settings. Speakers and participants are invited to share their knowledge and expertise in discussions of key issues such as:

  • What is the economic and social role of the performing arts in rural communities?
  • How do you engage your community in creating, producing and presenting the performing arts?
  • How do you celebrate and share place-based culture more broadly?

SPARC invites proposals from across the country that showcase excellence, that present innovative information and/or provide insight into the business of performing arts within these broad categories (please see the link provided for more detailed descriptions of these categories):

  • Creative approaches to engagement and investment in cultural tourism
  • Rural adaptive capacity building
  • Community engagement - with an emphasis on practical tools and techniques
  • Youth
  • Education and training
  • Strategic planning and partnerships

Proposal format details may be found at, and submissions must include:

  • Name, position, organization, address, phone, fax and email
  • Title of the session
  • Session description (maximum 500 words) which can be used in the symposium program if your proposal is accepted (this may be edited for style and clarity by SPARC)
  • Brief biographical sketch of lead speaker (maximum 100 words)
  • The full names of any co-presenters who will be attending the symposium (not co-authors on papers), their email contact information and brief biographical sketch (maximum 100 words)
  • The session format proposed (seminar, workshop, panel, research or community sound byte)
  • A sentence explaining how the proposed topic relates to the issue(s) for discussion
  • Three participant learning objectives for the proposed session
  • Audio visual equipment needed (speakers are asked to bring their own laptops)
  • A plan for involving the audience in the type of presentation chosen.

Deadline for Proposal Submission: Monday, September 16, 2013

 To learn more about SPARC and for full details on this call for proposals, visit

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