Send your ArtsCutsMemo as a reminder to Restore Arts Funding Now

We are launching an inventive new campaign to send a clear reminder to the government to RESTORE ARTS FUNDING NOW.  You can find some of the early submissions here on the ArtsCutsMemo flickr site.  Please take a moment to create your own.

Here is the call-to-action:

This is our BC-wide collection of creative "memos" to the BC government, reminding them to restore arts funding now!

Let's show them how creatively British Columbia can demand restoration of the modest but crucial funding that fuels our arts institutions, festivals, homegrown music, literature, art and performance, and cultural activities for both adults and children.

We're asking people across the province to take part and do three things:

1. use sticky notes (multi-coloured or yellow) to create something visually interesting that will be a memo about the BC arts cuts.

2. incorporate the words "restore arts funding now" somewhere in the piece you make. And we definitely welcome a sense of humour.

3. take a photo of your piece, join our flickr group and send the photo to that group pool. If you don't have a flickr account, please send the photo to

Please have some fun with this. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece to send the message to the government that the people of BC want arts funding restored.

We also want to leave the option open that a person could simply write "give funding back to the arts" and stick it to their mayor's door.

NOTE: when taking a photo of your memo, here are a few tips toward getting a good image:

1. stick the notes to a nice background.
2. if possible, use natural light rather than a flash. Try to avoid glare on your image.
3. step in close to your image. Fill the frame completely with your subject and keep extraneous elements (furniture, etc) out of the frame unless they're intentional.

Thanks for all your submissions. We will be announcing contest details shortly.

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