Assembly of BC Arts Councils - last week to take surveys!
/Take our Surveys -- Help us Advocate for Arts Funding
The Assembly is working with other arts organizations to collect information to support our advocacy efforts. We have two new surveys which we hope will provide a clear picture of the effects on our members and their members, etc., of the cuts to Direct Access Gaming funds and potential cuts to BC Arts Council funding. The first survey, Personally Meaningful Experiences, is meant to collect the true value of the arts and arts progams. Here we ask you to tell us the human story rather than the statistical one. The second survey, BC Gaming and BC Arts Council Revenues - 2nd Survey, is an updated version of our September survey.
Now that we have all had about three months to understand the effects of the Gaming cuts, and to consider the effects of possibly reduced BC Arts Council funding, we are asking you to tell us what you have and will be doing as a result. These surveys will stay up for several weeks, but we encourage you to try and fill them out by Friday, December 4, as we want to forward them directly to the Minister the following Monday. If this deadline doesn't work for you, we would still like to hear from you as our avocacy efforts will be ongoing. Thank you for your help.