GVPTA Launches Patron Survey Data Strategy
/Mural by Jocelyn Wong. Image: The Georgia Straight.
How eager are your patrons to return in-person? What factors will help them feel safe to return? Are they interested in digital programming? GVPTA will help you learn more about your patrons and their plans to return to arts and culture activities with B.C. Patron Insights, a decentralized data strategy to better understand arts and culture patron sentiment during our sector’s recovery efforts.
GVPTA’s B.C. Patron Insights will provide organizations with access to an individualized survey (and results) to learn more about their patrons' arts and culture activities, interest in online programming, and health and safety expectations that will assist organizations to plan for the future. This will contribute to a collective and collaborative data strategy where multiple independent surveys can be leveraged to build a comprehensive dataset to share valuable information on the arts and culture sector with government, funders, stakeholders, and our community.
This is a free service focused on non-profit organizations with an arts, culture, and heritage mandate. If your organization has recently distributed a patron survey, or intends to do so, you can still make an important contribution to this collective strategy. Click here to learn more.