Try a New Solution for Remote Performances


We find ourselves faced with unique times that require innovative solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic will hopefully pass, and although some things may return to normal, habits will have changed forever.
Even independently of the current situation, the public has more entertainment choices than ever. With traditional audiences aging out of participation, weshowup addresses the concerns of how we attract new audiences in an equitable, diverse and inclusive way. 
weshowup was developed by Vancouver actor and web developer Kahlil Ashanti to scratch his own itch when he couldn't decide what to charge audiences for tickets.  He found that the 'pass the hat' analog solution didn't measure up to the needs of the connected economy so he built a tool that bridged the gap.
Since March 2019 weshowup has been used in 14 cities worldwide for all kinds of events for a variety of genres, mediums and venue sizes. The application is flexible enough to also be used for virtual and live streamed events, and it takes less than ten minutes to get set up - with minimal tech savvy.
We'd like to invite you to experience weshowup for yourself and learn how this tool can have a significant positive impact in the recovery and future of the arts community in BC and beyond.
On Monday, April 6, at 10:00 a.m., join us for a live demonstration of weshowup. In an effort to demonstrate the platform, you’ll be asked to contribute $1. After the meeting you’ll receive a communication asking you how much you thought the experience was worth, with three choices and a custom text field. All funds will be donated to the charity of your choice, or refunded to you, as per your preference. Click here to register.

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