Lisa Beare Named New Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture
/The Hon. Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture | Image: BC NDP
The Honourable Lisa Beare (NDP, Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge) has been named the new Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. She was named to the newly created position when the new Executive Council of British Columbia was sworn in on July 18, alongside the new Premier of British Columbia, the Honourable John Horgan (NDP, Juan de Fuca).
Beare grew up in Maple Ridge. She was elected as a Maple Ridge school board trustee in 2014. Her past roles include two terms on the board of directors for Variety - the Children's Charity and positions as vice-president of CUPE 4078, member of Canadian Women’s Voter Congress, and president of the Vancouver chapters of Women in Aviation and The Ninety-Nines. She started her first term as MLA for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows in May.
To welcome the new minister in style, the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture has invited Minister Beare to meet with Vancouver's arts, culture and heritage communities at a special introductory event. We'll keep you posted with new details as they develop.
Below, find the full list of newly appointed members of the Executive Council of British Columbia:
- Premier: Hon. John Horgan, Juan de Fuca
- Minister of Advanced Education, Skills & Training: Hon. Melanie Mark, Vancouver-Mount Pleasant
- Minister of Agriculture: Hon. Lana Popham, Saanich South
- Attorney General: Hon. David Eby, Vancouver-Point Grey
- Minister of Children & Family Development: Hon. Katrine Conroy, Kootenay West
- Minister of State for Childcare: Hon. Katrina Chen, Burnaby-Lougheed
- Minister of Citizens’ Services: Hon. Jinny Sims, Surrey-Panorama
- Minister of Education: Hon. Rob Fleming, Victoria-Swan Lake
- Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources: Hon. Michelle Mungall, Nelson-Creston
- Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategy: Hon. George Heyman, Vancouver-Fairview
- Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier: Hon. Carole James, Victoria-Beacon Hill
- Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development: Hon. Doug Donaldson, Stikine
- Minister of Health: Hon. Adrian Dix, Vancouver-Kingsway
- Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation: Hon. Scott Fraser, Mid Island-Pacific Rim
- Minister of Jobs, Trade & Technology: Hon. Bruce Ralston, Surrey-Whalley
- Minister of State for Trade: Hon. George Chow, Vancouver-Fraserview
- Minister of Labour: Hon. Harry Bains, Surrey-Newton
- Minister of Mental Health & Addictions: Hon. Judy Darcy, New Westminster
- Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing: Hon. Selina Robinson, Coquitlam-Maillardville
- Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General: Hon. Mike Farnworth, Port Coquitlam
- Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction: Hon. Shane Simpson, Vancouver-Hastings
- Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture: Hon. Lisa Beare, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows
- Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure: Hon. Claire Trevena, North Island
The BC Alliance for Arts + Culture extends its welcome and best wishes to all members of the new cabinet. We look forward to working with Minister Beare to make B.C.'s communities stronger and more vibrant through arts, culture and heritage.