Fraser Valley Regional Library Launches Ukulele Public Lending Collection
Beginning this fall, Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) will offer ukuleles for loan through its new Uke 'n Play collection. Customers will be able to check out the instruments, free of charge, for a two- or three-week lending period – just like library books. Fifty soprano-size ukuleles in various styles will circulate throughout FVRL's 25 libraries. Each will come in a kit that includes a ukulele, a soft ukulele case, a digital tuner and a beginner ukulele book. The Uke 'n Play collection will be available to FVRL cardholders in early October, after a series of launch events at five libraries.
By adding ukuleles to its collection, FVRL is taking its first step towards the "Library of Things," a trend that sees public libraries offering musical instruments, tools, games and other objects for loan. "FVRL is extremely proud to provide our customers with new experiences and opportunities," says Heather Scoular, Director of Customer Experience. "There has never been a better time to visit your local FVRL library!"
Uke 'n Play was born of a community partnership between FVRL and the Coquitlam UkuleleTiny Instruments Enthusiasts Circle, or "Cutie Circle." It began when Cutie Circle founder Jen Chang approached staff at FVRL's Terry Fox Library with an idea for lending instruments through the library. The Cutie Circle has donated a gift of 50 ukuleles to FVRL and will assist with instrument maintenance. This generous gift was made possible with the support of sponsors Empire Music, King's Music, Ohana Music and Linda Thiessen.
The Uke 'n Play lending collection is available to FVRL cardholders. Uke 'n Play launch events will be held at five FVRL locations. Please contact the library for more details.
· Tsawwassen Library: Friday, September 30, 2 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
· Chilliwack Library: Saturday, October 1, 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
· Terry Fox Library: Tuesday, September 27 at 7 p.m.
· City of Langley Library: Friday, September 30, 2 p.m.–3 p.m.
· Mission Library: Saturday, October 1, 2 p.m.–4 p.m.