Survey on BC Employers' Skills Needs

The Conference Board of Canada is conducting a study on the current and emerging skills shortages facing BC employers. The study will identify the occupations and post-secondary education credentials that BC requires to support economic growth and prosperity, and provide information to post-secondary education leaders, businesses and government about how to allocate resources best to meet the province’s education and training needs.

If you are an employer, or make hiring decisions within your company, you are invited to complete a short online survey to offer your thoughts about the skills pressures you face, and what you think can be done to address the challenges. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes. 

Visit to complete the survey. A full explanation of the study is available at this link. All information will be treated as strictly confidential and results will be reported in aggregate form only, not from individuals. 

If you have any questions, contact The Conference Board research team: Matthew McKean (toll-free) 1 866 711 2262 ext. 356,; or Doug Watt: (toll-free) 1 866 711 2262 ext. 246, or 

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