Submissions Sought For YouthWrite Play Writing Competition
/Shawn Macdonald will adjudicate this year's YouthWrite competition.
The Association of BC Drama Educators (ABCDE) YouthWright play writing competition is on again.
It's time to encourage drama students to write plays and enter them in this annual contest. Entries will be professionally adjudicated and winning plays will be invited to perform at this year's Sears BC Provincial Drama Festival, April 28 to 30 at Douglas College in New Westminster.
Vancouver-based theatre artist Shawn Macdonald is the adjudicator for this year’s competition. The recipient of Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards for acting or writing, Macdonald has performed for most of Vancouver’s professional theatre companies and is the artistic associate for Green Thumb Theatre.
The deadline for entries is February 15, and you can find more information and the entry form here.
The ABCDE is a professional specialists association of the BC Teachers’ Federation.