Arts Summit 2010
Walk-Up Registrations Accepted
The Alliance for Arts and Culture, with the support of 2010 Legacies Now and the City of Surrey, is pleased to present Arts Summit 2010, Thursday, June 24 and Friday, June 25 at Surrey's Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre (see photo below).
Advance registration is now closed, but walk-up registrations, at the regular rates, will be accepted.
Arts Summit 2010 will bring together a diverse group of artists, arts organizations, presenters, facility managers, students, businesses and government representatives and create opportunities for dialogue, networking and professional development.
The 200 participants will hear keynote speaker Arlene Goldbard, author of New Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development, speak on “Art and the Public Good” and take part in a variety of panel discussions and workshops.
The beautiful new Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre is 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver by Skytrain, one block south of the Gateway Skytrain station, at 13458 - 107A Avenue, corner of 107A Avenue and University Drive. (This is the correct address -- google maps has wrong information lately, due to recent street name changes in Surrey)
Check-in begins at 8 a.m. both days, with the first event at 9 a.m. Thursday's reception ends at 6:30 p.m. and Friday's events conclude at 5 p.m.
The Full Two-Days' Program Follows Below ...
The registration desk is open Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9:00 am. OPENING
Host: Vanessa Richards, well-known artist and facilitator, will reprise her role at last year's Summit and host this two-day event.
A First Nations Welcome will be made by Tom Oleman.
City Councillor Judy Villeneuve will welcome everyone on behalf of the City of Surrey.
9:30 a.m. KEYNOTE
Art and the Public Good
Writer, social activist, and consultant Arlene Goldbard, author of New Creative Community, The Art of Cultural Development.
Ms. Goldbard shares perspectives gained over many years and synthesized at a White House briefing with the Cultural Policy Working Group. Arts Summit 2010 continues the conversation aimed at creating bold, coherent policy on culture in BC. Ms. Goldbard believes such policy must recognize that culture holds the key to a future we can believe in. She argues that cultural action is a vital instrument of the public good and when tied to public purpose its power knows no bounds. Learn more at her website.
10:10 a.m. BREAK
Refreshments provided.
10:30 a.m. / PANEL
Civic Leadership: Creating and Delivering Cultural Policy on the Ground
Join arts critic and UNESCO cultural policy commissioner Max Wyman, Richard Walton, mayor of North Vancouver, Judy Villeneuve, Surrey councillor and chair of the Metro Vancouver Culture Committee, Marvin Hunt, Surrey councillor and BC Regional Committee, Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
What role do municipalities play in cultural policy delivery to their citizens? How do they see their relationships with arts service providers and artists? What are the Canadian trends in municipal cultural action and funding? Are cities and regions taking a leadership role? What are their successes and what their burdens? In what way do they influence provincial or federal cultural policy? Hear a lively discussion from leaders who believe in culture and work in the local political trenches.
(90 minutes)
10:30 a.m. / WORKSHOP
Shaping a Literate Financial Statement
Catherine Ludgate, manager, community investments, VanCity Credit Union.
Every financial statement tells a story, what does yours say? This workshop will explore what makes a good financial report, for your board, your funders and your financial institution. If it’s a mystery to you, Catherine Ludgate will show you how you can frame your organizations’ numbers for accuracy, for clarity and to support your cultural purpose. Bring your own statements and bring your questions to this highly practical session with an expert.
(90 minutes)
12 noon to 1:15 p.m. / LUNCH
Buffet lunch provided.
Judith Marcuse will share during lunch some stories and perspectives from her working experiences in Canada and abroad (most recently in EU and in West and South AFrica) and raise some ideas that she thinks might be constructive for us to consider in these challenging times.
Reframing the Public Purpose of Art
How do we advocate for the real and awesome power of human creative expression? Reframing art’s public purpose, and its place in the spectrum of social initiatives that make our country civil and strong, requires that we explore the ways people actually think about art and culture. Arlene Goldbard will help participants in this workshop look for the resonant emotional themes that really engage people and lead to the crafting of coherent cultural policy and action.
(2 hours)
1:15 p.m. / PANEL
Public Art and Art in Public
Moderator Geraldine Parent, arts services manager for the City of Burnaby; Lori Phillips, public art coordinator with The Arts Office in North Vancouver; Liane Davison, curator at the Surrey Art Gallery; and Bryan Newson, City of Vancouer's public art program manager, discuss the heat that art in public is generating these days.
Cities have budgets dedicated to art in public places. They engage developers and architects to provide art spaces and building enhancements. But who does this art belong to; whose spaces do they eventually become? What about an artist’s right to images of their creation? What about maintenance? What happens when some people don’t like it? Should art be permanent, temporary or ephemeral? The panelists have all explored these and many other questions about what makes a successful public art program and what policies support and frame it.
(2 hours)
3:15 p.m. / BREAK
3:30 p.m. / PERFORMANCE
Bollywood Shenanigans
Bollywood Shenanigans is an entertainment company inspired by South Asian culture and cinema. Made up of a collective of actors, dancers and writers who have travelled as as far as Mumbai, toured North America, and have been in numerous films and commercials, Bollywood Shenanigans havs been brought togehter to inspire the world through comic sketch, song and dance.
The Alliance for Arts and Culture will hold its annual general meeting. There will be an oppotunity for non-members to take out a new membership and attend the proceedings. Both voting and non-voting memberships are available.
Alliance members do not need to register for the Arts Summit to attend the AGM.
Check in for all AGM attendees begins at 3 p.m.
4:30 p.m. / PRESENTATION
Canada Culture Days: A New Initiative and Its Potential
Axel Conradi and Trudy Van Dop, both on the BC Task Force for Culture Days, will provide a brief overview of this new initiative. Axel is on the Arts Club Board of Governors and is former advocacy co-chair of the Canadian Arts Summit. A long time cultural supporter, he is the retired assistant vice-president of Canadian Pacific Railway. Trudy is the well-know curator/owner of Van Dop Gallery, publisher of the BC Arts and Culture Guide and initiator of the BC Cultural Crawl. She has worked for many years to forge strong links between tourism and culture.
5 p.m. / RECEPTION
Meet & Mingle
Enjoy a networking reception in the glass cube atrium and rooftop terrace. Hosted bar and tasty snacks.
The registration desk is open Fridayfrom 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
9 a.m. / WELCOME
Announcements and introductions.
Artists' Legal Outreach director Martha Rans will provide an update on changes being made to Canada's copyright law.
(20 minutes)
Ivan Habel, general manager of Green Thumb Theatre, will speak to the importance of maintaining individual priorities while maintaining a common front in a shared advocacy approach. How can we be vocal about our own needs without creating rifts in the community we want to strengthen?
(20 minutes)
10 a.m. / BREAK
Refreshments provided.
10:15 a.m. / PANEL
Making Creativity Count: Toward a New Cultural Policy for British Columbia
Moderator lobbyist, political organizer and strategic advisor for major west coast projects Mark Marissen; Gillian Wood, acting director of the BC Arts Council; Catherine Murray, co-director of the Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities at SFU; and Jessie Uppal, director of campaigns, community and social action with the BC Federation of Labour; Coalition To Build a Better BC. ask, when the economy gets a cold, why does culture seem to go on life support?
Even the arm’s length BC Arts Council cannot find immunity. Would a coherent provincial policy for culture provide better stability? What would such a policy look like, and how would one get it passed? This panel represents all sides of the political spectrum, including the neutral side. They have seen governments come and go; seen successful and unsuccessful policy devices created and lived through the repercussions. A lively dialogue is guaranteed.
(1 hour 45 minutes)
10:15 a.m. / PANEL
Cultural Assets and Infrastructure: Buildings and Human Capital
Moderator Lance Berelowitz, author, planner and founding principal of Urban Forum Associates; architect Richard Henriquez; Michael Audain, chair of the Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation, and Norman Armour, executive director and curator, PuSh International Performing Arts Festival address the need for city planning that calls for the creation of whole communities that are successful in meeting and mixing quality-of-life needs.
Such communities need signature theatres, galleries and museums but they also need artist’s studios, rehearsal rooms, shops, administration spaces, places where artists can live and rough, unusual spaces where they can create synergies. Developers and architects have a stake in making neighbourhoods successful too.
This panel explores the push and pull of divergent and converging desires; bringing to the discussion their experience of local and international trends.
(one hour, 45 minutes)
12 noon / LUNCH
Buffet lunch provided.
1:15 p.m. / PANEL
Art and Social Change Across Sectors
Facilitator Judith Marcuse, founder & co-director of the International Centre of Art for Social Change (ICASC) and panelists Sadira Rodrigues, curator, writer, arts administrator and director of continuing studies at Emily Carr University of Art and Design; M. Simon Levin, artist and public art maker; Dr. Sal Ferreras, dean at the School of Music, Dance and Design at Vancouver Community College; Bernie Magnan, chief economist with the Vancouver Board of Trade and a former Vancouver Opera Foundation director and former Vancouver Opera and Bard on the Beach board member.
Art is not isolationist, it is all about connection; reflecting and affecting change. Art refuses the silo, wants to be part of social change; it desires contact of all kinds and in all places. This facilitated dialogue explores how art can and does affect social change, in what contexts it has been effective and how barriers can be brought down through interaction. Judith Marcuse brings a strong internationalist view to this work. M. Simon Levin brings the visual arts and educator's perspective, Sadira Rodrigues provides a curatorial eye and the lens of diverse cultures and Sal Ferreras brings an all-important educational focus combined with a musician’s sensibilities.
And what’s this? An economist? Bernie Magnan, with deep roots in both the arts and economic spheres, speaks for another kind of bridge between business, the arts and social change.
(one hour, 45 minutes)
1:15 p.m. / PANEL
Harnessing 2010: The LiveSites Experience in Richmond and Surrey
Yes, it was attached to a sports tournament brand called the Olympics but, as is often the case, more people turn out for the cultural presentations than the sports.
Moderator Jane Fernyhough, director of arts, culture and heritage services for the City of Richmond; Councillor Linda Barnes, City of Richmond 2010 portfolio; Laurie Cavan, general manager, parks, recreation and culture for the City of Surrey; and Bryan Tasaka project manager, Surrey 2010 Celebration Site, share what was it like to be involved in, yet at some distance from, this international cultural effort and what made it such a success.
What might it mean for the future of art in these communities? What are the repercussions? Are there legacies, policies and strengths left behind and what are they? Find out what it was like to host tens of thousands of participants daily in cultural activities.
(one hour 45 minutes)
3 p.m. / BREAK
Refreshments provided.
Be sure to check out the Burning Question post & host sessions posted in the lobby, and sign up to contribute your ideas.
(55 minutes)
3:20 p.m. / TOOLKITS
Toolkit distribution and discussions
Toolkits and information on their use include the Creative Cities Public Art Toolkit and the Day at the Legislature.
(55 minutes)
4:15 p.m. / BURNING QUESTION REPORT BACK(15 minutes)
Share reports on the outcomes of the Burning Questions sessions.
4:30 p.m. / PERFORMANCE
Tanya Evanson.
A celebrated poet, performer, vocalist, whirling dervish, educator and director of Mother Tongue Media, will raise our spirits and remind us of what our work is really all about.
(20 minutes)
4:50 p.m. / CLOSING
Thanks and Farewells.
(10 minutes)
Walk-Up Registrations Will Be Taken At The Venue
- Thursday & Friday: $150 for Alliance members / $200 for non-members.
- Thursday Only: $95 for members / $125 for non-members.
- Friday Only: $75 for members / $ 95 for non members.
Registration fees include lunch both days, Thursday networking reception and all applicable taxes.
Registration is now open for Arts Summit 2010, June 24 and 25 at Surrey's Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre -- Thirty minutes from Granville and Georgia by Skytrain.
Alliance Members do not need to register for the Arts Summit to attend the AGM. AGM check-in for non-Summit attendees begins at 3:30 p.m.
Registration fees as noted include all applicable taxes.
- Kevin Dale McKeown / Alliance for Arts and Culture Director of Communications & Special Events
- Lydia Marston-Blaauw / Arts Summit 2010 Coordinator
- Olga Kovalchuk / Alliance for Arts and Culture Members Services Administrator
- Tiffany Kwong / Alliance for Arts and Culture Communications Intern
- Volunteers: Cory Anderson, Jeff Anson, Laura Barron, Paulina Bustamanti, Ron Byron, Shelley Cowan, Amita Daniels, Mo Dhaliwal, Rene Doruyter, Lorenz Von Fersen, Monika Forberger, Mirjana Galovich, Aurelie Gauthier, K.C. Gilroy, Paul Gravette, Ania Grygorczuk, Kelsey Hicks, Kelsey Jorseen, Doreen Jung, Marika Kovalcikova, Debbie Lawrance, Rebecca Low, Linda Lysack, Julie McIntyre, Nancy Noble, Coreen Philley, Cheryl Ram, Sherri Sadler, Wendy Soobis, Daniel Tavaszi, Kim Tran, Frances Wasserlein, David Whitelock, Gillian Wilder. We couldn’t have done it without them!